Welcome Back Author Terri Rochenski!

I can't wait to welcome back Terri Rochenski and help give a shout out for her new book LOVE'S SORROW!

Thanks for coming back to visit Terri! How about we get to know you a littler better with my famous author get-to-know-you questions!

What is your favorite flower?

Hyacinth. The scene is so spring to me. I’m dying for a few in the house right now, that’s for sure!

What word in the English language do you wish you had invented?

Yes. It’s such a great word—holds promise. Brings smiles, well for the most part I hope. I love its honesty.

Where would you like to live?

If I had a few million to spare? Hmmm. I guess I’d take a vacation house in Tuscany. Alaska, too.

What is the first quote that comes to your mind?

“My name’s Sean, Jem. I’m Sean.”
Only because I just completed a Top Tens list of my favorite romance moments in books. This quote is from J.A. Belfield’s Darkness & Light.

What do you miss about your childhood?

Innocence. The not knowing about the world’s corruption and the lies adults tell.

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?

I’m named after my father, and would never want to change it!

What is the main fault in your character?

Anne is a determined woman, stubborn enough to stay in a place she shouldn’t.

Who is your favorite historical figure?

Laura Ingles Wilder. As a child, I adored her and her books. I always thought I’d been born in the wrong era because I should have headed west in a covered wagon.

What in the world do you least desire?

To be surrounded by snakes or grizzly bears. I have nightmares about both happening, and I wake sweaty and pulse thrumming every time.

 Finish this sentence: “Happiness is a thing called…”

My four loves. The hubs, Sister, Pips, and Little Man. 

Aww, I love Laura Ingles Wilder. Almanzo was a great romantic hero back in the day...don't you think? Thanks for letting us get to know you - now tell us more about the new book!

Love’s Sorrow (Means of Mercy #1) releases TODAY - April 21st! It's a sweet, historical Romance...

Hired as a nanny for her cousin’s children, Anne Tearle finds security and a loving family. The children are a dream, but London society is a world of its own, one where a displaced farm girl has no business being. But, wealthy rake, Gavin MacKay, helps her to see associating with the upper class might not be as horrid as she first assumed.

Like all things worthwhile, love comes at a price, and the cost soon bestows more anguish than joy. Lost, but not undone, Anne must find the courage to begin life anew, or succumb to sorrow's unrelenting waves of grief.

Thanks for joining us Terri. Here's how everyone can get her book:
Purchase Links:
Createspace (Best Option)


Terri started writing stories in the 8th grade, when a little gnome whispered in her brain. Gundi’s Great Adventure never hit the best seller list, but it started a long love affair with storytelling.
Today she enjoys an escape to Middle Earth during the rare ‘me’ moments her three young children allow. When not playing toys, picking them back up, or kissing boo-boos, she can be found sprawled on the couch with a book or pencil in hand, and toothpicks propping her eyelids open.

Ms. Rochenski’s Links:

Link for Love’s Sorrow on Goodreads:

Link for the tour button:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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